Rethinking failure

“Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.” (Robert T. Kiyosaki)

There are different reasons why start-ups fail, be it lack of financial resources, or lack of market demands. However, it is not easy to embrace failure and start all over again. To some, failure means the end of everything, while some might find failure as a learned lesson for their future endeavors. Linh Nguyen, our guest speaker for the next episode, is one of them. Although his start-ups did not live up to his expectations, he refused to give up.

What keeps him going?

Why don’t you check out our next episode to hear Linh’s stories?

Prior to founding his start-ups, Linh had worked in different companies and held management positions, for example, he was Head of Strategy at Go Real Travel. However, he was not just a regular corporate guy. While working a 9-to-5 job, he managed to found his first start-up, Futuretics, in 2016 and later his second one,, in 2020. Despite his hard work, things did not go the way he wanted. Yet the past mistakes had served as valuable lessons for his current position. At the moment, Linh is working as the Head of TopMonks Startup Studio where he and his team utilize their expertise to help other start-up founders to turn their ideas into reality.

With his sound knowledge and wealth of experience, Linh Nguyen will be one of the mentors of Hack4Growth – an international innovation contest that aims to promote the startup ecosystem and the sustainable development of Vietnam through implementing practical and community-oriented solutions. Check out the website for more exciting projects!

How did Linh embrace his failure?

How did his past mistakes help him in his current position?

Let’s check out our next episode on Saturday (July 10th) to hear more from Linh Nguyen and his stories!

Founders' TalkSpace is a talk series featuring Viet-connected entrepreneurs and startup founders whose ideas and stories can help us find entrepreneurial inspiration and supercharge energy for our own journey.

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