Sustainability – for a future with less waste

Walking on the slackline - The story of a serial entrepreneur

Becoming an entrepreneur is no easy task. It takes one year of hard work, dedication, passion, and persistence before their start-ups can finally gain success. Yet not everyone has what it takes to become an entrepreneur, let alone a serial entrepreneur. Let’s tune in to listen to our speaker –  Tracy Nguyen, sharing her unique stories of what it’s like to be a serial entrepreneur. 

An ambitious woman in her quest for knowledge 

Right after her graduation from the International University, Tracy Nguyen continued to quench her thirst for knowledge by pursuing her Master’s degree in Supply Chain Management at the Rotterdam University of Applied Science, and later at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. After successfully completing her Master’s degree, she had had the opportunity to work in different companies and held many key positions, for example, Country Business Manager at 689 Cloud,  before she started her own company. With her sound knowledge of the industry and her strong interest in sustainability, she has founded 5 start-ups, including SendbyShare and Efoodmarkt. 

What stands out in her business model is the focus on sustainability. Not only does Tracy Nguyen want to create values for her clients but she also wants to have a positive impact on society and the environment.  

SendbyShare and Efoodmarkt

SendbyShare was initially a business plan that helped Tracy Nguyen win first place in the UPS’ Business Case Competition held at Tilburg Uni. As many EU countries are working towards the goal of reducing emissions by gradually banning petrol and fueled vehicles by 2030, contestants were challenged to come up with a solution for the transportation industry, thus the starting point of SendbyShare. The idea of SendbyShare is based on a crowd shipping business model, which connects bikers and local retail shops. Cyclists can earn money by delivering or dropping off parcels and packages on their way to work/school, which also helps reduce emissions and traffic jams. 

Another start-up that gained attention in the Netherlands is Efoodmarkt – the first online market exclusively for food and beverages. Efoodmarkt supports local and traditional businesses in reaching to customers in the age of technology. Customers can benefit from a wide range of local and fresh products in one click, as well as efficient delivery options.

It was certainly not a simple journey for Tracy Nguyen to become a serial entrepreneur. There were ups and downs, yet Tracy Nguyen never gave up. 

Have you ever wondered how a serial entrepreneur would maintain a good work-life balance? 

How could they manage their time? Or what challenges do they encounter? 

Then why don’t you find out by tuning in to our channel this Sunday to hear more about this talented superwoman? Tracy Nguyen surely has more to tell us about her journey! 

TALKSPACE #8 – LIVE on Sunday, 28/03/2021, 14:00 – 15:00


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Founders' TalkSpace is a talk series featuring Viet-connected entrepreneurs and startup founders whose ideas and stories can help us find entrepreneurial inspiration and supercharge energy for our own journey.

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